Review: 1% daily with profitable team bonus is a unique designed investment program online. It looks so professional that I can't wait to write its review before I reach the first profit. It started on 02nd March 2020 and mainly provides long term deposit plans. A promotional leader bought Standard listing on my website yesterday. Now let's see its details.
Started: 2020-03-02
My deposit: $250
The amount of 256 USD has been withdrawn from your account. Accounts: U3869878->U21872990. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. CN013961421.. Date: 13:23 26.04.20. Batch: 312170797.
Investment Plans
Average Daily ReturnIncrement to Basic Daily YieldOperation PeriodBinary BonusLinear Bonus
$1001%0.02%200 days5.0%3% / 0% / 0%
$2501%0.04%200 days5.5%3.5% / 0% / 0%
$5001%0.06%200 days6.0%4% / 0% / 0%
$10001%0.08%200 days6.5%4.5% / 0.5% / 0%
$25001%0.1%200 days7.0%5% / 1% / 0%
$50001%0.12%200 days7.5%5.5% / 1.5% / 0%
$100001%0.14%200 days8.0%6% / 1.5% / 1%
$200001%0.16%200 days8.5%6.5% / 2% / 1%
$350001%0.18%200 days9.0%7% / 2.5% / 1.5%
$500001%0.20%200 days10.0%7.5% / 3% / 2%
$750001%0.22%200 days11.0%8% / 3.5% / 2.5%
$1000001%0.25%200 days12.0%8.5% / 4% / 3%
The investment package lasts for 200 calendar days, including holidays and weekends. The basic rate of return for the investment package is floating and can fluctuate between 0.1% and 2% per day. During the past, it is almost 7% weekly. The rate of return on weekdays is usually higher than on weekends and holidays.
After your deposits, the first 72 hours (3 days) are used for distribution of funds after purchasing the investment package. During this time, investment returns are not accrued to the package. The countdown of 200 days begins after the allocation. The first accrual of returns on the package occurs 24 hours after distribution (96 hours after the purchase of the investment package).
Each investor can only have 1 investment package, the nominal value of which can only be changed by increasing (upgrading) the package to a higher level. When the package is increased, the profit generated by the current package is recalculated. For example, you upgrade from an investment package of $1000, from which you already got $500 for 50 days of its work, and decided to upgrade this investment package to $2500. The daily profit on an investment package of $2500 will be approximately $25, and to earn $500, you will need 20 days. So when calculating the working period of a new investment package, 20 days will be taken away from the standard period of 200 calendar days. Under these conditions, the investment package you purchased for $2500 will work for 180 days. One of the advantages of upgrading an investment package is that there is no 72-hour distribution period.
Linear Bonus: You receive the full reward amount under the Linear bonus program for the sale of investment packages in your affiliate structure only in the case of initial activation of the investment package by affiliates. With further upgrades of these packages by your affiliates, you receive half of the declared reward for a linear bonus. For example, if the reward amount for a linear bonus in your case is 5% of the purchase of an investment package by first-line affiliates, then for further increases (upgrades) of investment packages by affiliates you will receive 2.5% of the additional payment for the upgrade.
Binary Bonus: Binary is the biggest bonus here because of unlimited levels. The only one condition is that you need to put minimum $500 to left and $500 to right legs to activate Binary. First referral will automatically go to right leg, from the second one you may choose in what leg to put.
You don't need to select "Capital protection package" when deposit. Also, you don't need to verify your account currently.
RCB Details
Anyone who register under me. I can give 5% of your deposit back to you. Welcome to submit your RCB request at top of my website. We are in a strong team.
Wallet Type
Start Wallettop up balance
Bonus Walletwithdraw funds
Transaction Wallettransfer funds
At the first time, you can top up your "Start Wallet" balance to make a deposite. Also, you can use any of the wallets to make a deposit if you have money there.
You can transfer from "Start Wallet" or "Bonus Wallet" to "Transaction Wallet". But replenishment to "Transaction Wallet" cannot be undone. Transferring funds from a Transaction Wallet to a Start or Bonus wallet is not possible. With the "Transaction Wallet", you can make transfers to other partners or buy investment products.
Payment Options
You can use PerfectMoney, Payeer, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and USDT to top up your "Start Wallet".
Withdrawal Type
Withdrawals are available at any time, but no more than 10 times per month. It may take us up to 48 hours to process your request after it has been submitted. The minimum withdrawal amount is $10.
Whois Information
Domain Dates:               2018/12/10-2029-12-10
Name Servers:  CURT.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM (has 22,000,218 domains) MARIA.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM (has 22,000,218 domains)
IP Address: - -1 other site is hosted on this server (
IP Location:       California - San Francisco - Cloudflare Inc.
ASN:                 AS13335 (registered Jul 14, 2010)
More supports global languages, so you can choose your native languages. As a matter of fact, it will be your native language automatically when you open its website. Admin used a unique designed template and script for You can see video reviews for this project and the video is professional. If you want to keep up with its latest update, then just follow the social buttons on top of their website, including Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Youtube, Youku and so on. For more questions, you can talk to their online support at bottom of website. I will upgrade more information about later, welcome to register below and try with $100.

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  1. I don't know how this company is allowed to do business in the UK other than no-one has investigated them. It is a complete scam from their proprietary trading platform which is full of "bugs" to deceive customers and misrepresent market data completely right down to their customer service who will reply to you only on the last day .Thanks to assetrec❍veryn❍w .₵❍ was able to get a refund from this company . They use all types of tricks to close your account complete prematurely. COMPLETE SCAM! My mind is blown how this company is being allowed to do business particularly in this economic climate and I pray the FCA and Financial Ombudsman shut them down ASAP before any more people are SCAMMED




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